Livestream #18 Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Meditation.
Governs your light Body of Communication, Guidance, & Trust.
Our Archangel series of meditation is a representation and vibration of that which angels carry. Each Archangel attunes your light body and the vibration of love, peace, protection and harmony. This meditation builds a stronger alignment to your favourite Archangel, making it even easier to hear and feel their loving presence.
As messengers of God they carry our prayers to God, and are divine beings of light who are awaiting us to call upon them in any moment of our lives. The Archangels are present everywhere at the same time. Those who trust and call upon the Archangels report so many amazing benefits. This Archangel range is a sure way to help build your spiritual practice and build a stronger connection with the Archangels.
As we expand ( energy fields ) we evolve multi dimensionally and learn detachment as we enter enter the void and separate from ego. We experience a deep soul on all level of existence. Each meditation is designed to bring you growth, awareness, clarity, love, compassion and feeling present in your own power.
I bring you this guided wisdom from Christ consciousnesses so you experience your own inner being. By listening and hearing my voice you are being encoded a light frequency, connect you to your higher infinite self and begin subtle breakdowns of blocks and patters at a soul level.
These meditations will reconnect you on all levels Earthy , Eternal and Source .You are the master of your soul and journey I will guide you to open your heart and mind and Co create event treasure in the universe available to you
Choose love and peace as this is the natural state of being.
I urge you to participate weekly and experience your life and wellbeing profoundly change for the greater good. align with their Higher Self. Every session I will teach and educate you into my world of ASCENSION wisdom through the Christ consciousness.
Patrizia Trani