
The Ascension Centre workshops offer categories of healing and education sessions/courses, plus additional techniques and tools, that empower you to create your life from the inside out, unlimited and healthful, expansive and abundant and full of loving purpose.

All people are able to heal from their current ailments, whether they be physical, mental, or emotional. Healing is obtainable, sustainable, and successful for all who commit to it, for their lives and soul’s union their ultimate self incarnate.

As workshops are held at various locations, please contact us for more details via our facebook page.

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Heal Thyself

Heal Thyself Level 1

  • What is energy healing?
  • How to scan the energy body.
  • The 14k chakric system.
  • Learn how to heal yourself and others.
  • Theory and practical work throughout the day.

Heal Thyself Level 2

  • What is Christ consciousness?
  • Learning about different categories of energy work, including past lives, genetic and karmic layers. Clearing and attuning 15 chakras on all the auric layers from 1 to 9.


Protection Level 1

  • This workshop is designed to receive shields for protection in maintaining health and connection. The day focuses on attuning the chakras and outer layers. Shields strengthen, support and protect against unhealthy energies that can affect our physical health, emotional and mental wellbeing. We receive the gift of these shields from the seven Archangels – Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Jhudiel, Sealtiel and Barachiel

Protection Level 2

  • This profound workshop will elevate your energy to another level. You will receive 14 shields on each auric layer from 1 to 9. Your outer shields will also be attuned to a new level.


Grounding Level 1

  • Learning to properly ground yourself is bene cial to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of your life. You will learn about the chakras underneath your feet. These energy centres help to keep you balanced in your physical and mental bodies. In addition they help to support your energy work. You will be working with Ascended Masters who govern earth’s energies.

Grounding Level 2

  • You will keep descending and opening up more energy centres below the feet. These centres will ground, support and strengthen your light and physically keep you healthy and clear of all infiltrating energies.


Prosperity workshop

This encompasses the many wonderful teachings of the ascended master Ganesha to help us bring forth & align you with all the wealth prosperity health that was intended to be when we came forth.

This workshop will align you with the greater wisdom and fruits of knowledge from this master.

We will receive the many gifts that will clear away any blocks or obstacle that we wish to create in our home, work, relationships. By holding our intentions in its pure place in our heart Ganesha will respond to this with his swiftness and love by removing that which no longer serve. It is up to us to surrender trust and be open to his miraculous healing.

Logistics Graph

Each workshop is channelled from the source of one comprising the vibrations of love unity and oneness. During an energetic workshop, you will learn and evolve your consciousness through connection with the source. The education and new awareness facilitates healing, enlightenment, self-reflection, self-development and divine connection.