Livestream #29 Element Earth & Water
Elements Meditation.
Earth & Water.
The elements – Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Metal and Wood all carry vibrational energies to cleanse, shift, change and release.
The element of Fire brings forth the power of transformation. Its flame burns and shifts, transmuting dark into light.
The element of Earth connects us to all matter – money, food, power, relationships. It has the power to absorb and disintegrate toxic and negative energies which bring forth new life and nourishment.
The element of Water represents a cleansing vibration also associated with our feelings and emotions and is vital to all existence and life on Earth.
The element of Air is our life force, it purifies and clears old vibrations, bringing forth lightness and clarity.
The element of Metal brings faith, strength, structure and allows us to shine.
The element of Wood supports us to grow and expand, it represents the beginning of life.
This series of meditations is focused on accelerating your Ascension journey and connecting to your soul purpose through Divine Source. Every session I will teach and educate you into my world of ASCENSION wisdom through the Christ consciousness. This 60-minute session will be available via Zoom and comprises of an opening introduction, 45-minute meditation and a closing circle.
Choose love and peace as this is the natural state of being.
Patrizia Trani