6 Day ascension mastery

Designed to focus on self-healing and healing of others through learning about the chakric body and energy fields.

Dates in 2023
Heal Thyself 1 - Saturday, 27th May
Heal Thyself 2 - Sunday, 28th May
Grounding 1 - Saturday, 15th July
Grounding 2 - Sunday, 16th July
Protection 1 - Saturday, 26th August
Protection 2 - Sunday, 27th August  


What Is The Ascension Heal Thyself Course?

This 6 Day Training Course can provide tools to change your health and well-being.

Our intention is to create space for the experience of unified soul purpose; to hold healing space where all the etheric and physical parts of the self can be made whole. 

What is energy healing? How to scan the energy body. The 14 chakric system. Learn how to heal yourself and others. Theory and practical work throughout the day.

Heal Thyself Level 1

Investment $295

What is Christ consciousness? Learning about different categories of energy work, including past, genetic and karmic layers. Clearing and attuning 14 chakras on all the auric layers from 1 to 9.

Heal Thyself Level 2

Investment $350

Learning to properly ground yourself is beneficial to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of your life. You will learn about the chakras underneath your feet. These energy centres help to keep you balanced in your physical and mental bodies. In addition they help to support your energy work. You will be working with Ascended Masters who govern earth’s energies.

 Grounding Level 1

Investment $400

You will keep descending and opening up more energy centres below the feet. These centres will ground, support and strengthen your light and physically keep you healthy and clear of all infiltrating energies.

Grounding Level 2 

 Investment $450

This workshop is designed to receive shields for protection in maintaining health and connection. The day focuses on attuning the chakras and outer layers. Shields strengthen, support and protection against unhealthy energies that can affect our physical health, emotional and mental wellbeing. We receive the gift of these shields from the seven Archangels- Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Jhudiel, Sealtiel, Barachiel

Protection Level 1

Investment: $450

This profound workshop will elevate your energy to another level. You will receive 14 shields on each auric layer from layer 1 to 9. Your outer shields will also be attuned to a new level..

Protection Level 2 

Investment: $550

Here are some of the benefits

Learn how to heal yourself and others

Theory and practical work throughout the day.

Learning about different categories of energy work

Clearing and attuning 14 chakras on all the auric layers from 1 to 9.

Taught by Healer with 27 Years Experience

Our healer and founder, Patrizia Trani created a Six-part ‘Heal Thyself’ workshop. 

Want to learn more?

Join Our Free Healing Webinar with Patrizia Trani where she explains what energy healing is and how you can use this to heal yourself, ground your energy and transcend this dimension into higher states of being.

Our Facilitator & Healer

Patrizia Trani; Healer & Facilitator

Trish is a healer, published author and teacher who has been practicing Ascension healing for over 27 years. Experienced in Pranic Healing, Open Heart Meditation,Theta Healing, Reiki Tummo, Kundalini, Arhatic Yoga, Crystal Healing, Trish now focuses on being a clear channel for the wisdom of Mary Magdalene, Jesus Christ, Archangel Raphael, and other Ascended Masters. She is a powerful healer encompassing every aspect of a modern empress, prophetess, warrior and sage of today.

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Join Us For the 6 Day Ascension Course






Book A Free 30 Minute Soul Reading

For a limited time, we are offering a free soul reading to everyone interested in our Ascension Mastery Course


 A friend was coming to see Patrizia and I'd seen the changes in her life and recommended I work with her.  I have got challenging issues, challenging children, and after working with Patrizia I've seen so many changes and miracles that I have to keep coming, expanding and improving my life and my family's life. It's absolutely fantastic. One major miracle that I came here when I was looking for a house and had my session with Patrizia the next day, I found my home. I think at that time we actually worked on grounding and reconnecting and Patrizia had said to me, the house will find me. And I hadn't picked this house to look at and on the day at, just I found something in the paper. Beautiful. And it was the house. Thank you. 


I came in to get a Tarot reading, and then the lady said to me, I should come in for a healing with Patrizia. I was very skeptical, but I said, I'll give it a try. And from just the one time I noticed things that start to change my whole attitude towards life, I was really stuck with a lot of things. I kept chasing my tail when it came to money, friendships, relationships, and ever since then, it seems like I've been getting everything I've ever wanted.Which includes, a new car, a job, money, and know that I've been able to help other people as well. So I've been very grateful for that. 


Through working with Trish, I've seen extraordinary changes in my personal life with my relationship with my partner, and also my family. I'm very grateful for the changes and I'm really enjoying the work.



Join Our 6 Day Ascension Course and You Get:

  • Manual Work Books
  • Healthy food - Morning Tea-Lunch-Afternoon Tea, Full day Training 8am-5pm. 
  • Bonus #1 Receive a Copy of My book Healer's Journey 
  • Bonus #2 Archangel Michael Pure Soy Candle
    Bonus #3 Personal Ascension Healing Bonus #4 Soul Reading To identify energetic blocks. Bonus #5 Invitation to Private Meditation Group Bonus #6 Tibetan Sacred Sound Bath Opening and Closing Ceremony Bonus #7 Blue Tara Activation Bonus #8 White Tara Activation Bonus # 9 Green Tara Activation 

Want to learn more?

Join Our Free Healing Webinar with Patrizia Trani where she explains what energy healing is and how you can use this to heal yourself, ground your energy and transcend this dimension into higher states of being.